So for our example, we need a name, age, and gender to be input by the user.This toolbox has various controls in it, which is used in UserForms. We can see that a toolbox is also opened beside our userform, which has the control buttons. We need to add buttons to this userform in order to get input from the user.Now in the insert tab, click on userform to open a userform window.In the Excel worksheet, go to the developer’s tab and click on the visual basic editor.The steps involved in making such userform is as follows.
#Excel vba form templates how to
Let’s see how to add buttons to a userform to input the data in Excel VBA. We will make a simple VBA userform in which we will ask the user to enter his name, age, and sex. It has no other options than to close it because we have not added any other buttons to it. When we click on the run button, we can see that a blank form appears on the excel screen. How do we run this userform? Make sure that we have clicked on the userform itself and click on the run button shown in the screenshot below.After I have selected the option for black color, my sample UserForm’s color has been changed as follows,.In the properties toolbox, we have a dropdown provided to us named as back color we can select any set of colors we want. Now let us try to change the color of the userform.Let us change the name to the sample form and see the result.We can do that by changing its name from the properties option on the left-hand side of the screen.
#Excel vba form templates download
You can download this VBA UserForm Excel Template here – VBA UserForm Excel Template Excel VBA UserForm – Example #1įirst, let us get to the basic of the UserForm.